Friday, April 12, 2019

Is Cuba on your travel bucket list? Here are 27 things to know about Cuba before you plan to visit Cuba in Central America. Info on flights (more options than Havana!), where to stay, visa rules, travel from the USA, hotels and where to stay, tips around money and currency, and more as you plan your itinerary. This is one of the most beautiful places full of things to do, culture, history and great people. #travel #Cuba #familytravel #solotravel #caribbean #vacation

Is Cuba on your travel bucket list? Here are 27 things to know about Cuba before you plan to visit Cuba in Central America. Info on flights (more options than Havana!), where to stay, visa rules, travel from the USA, hotels and where to stay, tips around money and currency, and more as you plan your itinerary. This is one of the most beautiful places full of things to do, culture, history and great people. #travel #Cuba #familytravel #solotravel #caribbean #vacation